Excavation Sites in 5 Questions: Troy


7 Dakika

Troy, a most popular archaeological site in Türkiye in terms of cultural tourism, is among the world’s most famous ancient cities, with a history of more than 5,000 years. Immortalized through the story told in Homer's Iliad, Troy is “of immense significance in the understanding of the development of European civilization at a critical stage in its early development,” according to UNESCO.

In the Troy feature of our “Excavation Sites in 5 Questions” series, that sheds light on important archaeological sites in Anatolia through in-depth interviews with excavation directors, Prof. Dr. Rüstem Aslan, the excavation director of the ancient city, emphasizes the historical significance of Troy by stating, “We have a settlement history that spans more than 5,000 years. We host 10 different layers of 10 different cities.”


A Brief History of Troy

Troy, located in Tevfikiye Village of Çanakkale today, and never losing its importance throughout history, was included in the UNESCO World Heritage List in 1998. Excavations carried out in the ancient city since 1871 have revealed that the city was destroyed and rebuilt multiple times throughout its history. This was primarily due to the city's strategic location between the continents of Asia and Europe, the Aegean and the Mediterranean, which also made it prominent in maritime trade. The earliest remains of settlement in Troy date back to 3000-2500 BC and the city was continuously inhabited from this period onwards, ending its existence in the Roman period. This unique archaeological site, with its 10 different city layers in its ruins, has carried the traces of many civilizations throughout history. Due to the use of mudbrick in the construction of houses, the remains accumulated in layers over time, forming an artificial hill, and today it is possible to see the archaeological structures of different layers. 


A Trojan Epic that Transcends the Ages: The Iliad 

The Iliad epic written by Homer, the most famous bard of antiquity, is undoubtedly one of the factors nourishing Troy's importance and popularity. This mythological masterpiece, which deals with universal themes such as war, love, honor, heroism, and revenge, tells the story of the Trojan War, which began when Paris, who fell in love with Helen through the intervention of Aphrodite, kidnapped Helen. Prominent mythological characters such as Achilles, the war hero of the Achaeans, his commander Agamemnon, and Odysseus; Hector, the bravest warrior of the Trojans; the Olympian deities such as Zeus, Aphrodite, and Athena took the stage in this epic war. The most important factor in the fall of Troy was Odysseus's masterminding of the famous “Trojan Horse” trick.

Needless to say, this epic has inspired many different creative disciplines throughout history. In painting, sculpture, music, theater and, most recently, cinema, it is possible to find the whole or parts of the Iliad story. The most famous of these works is the movie Troy, starring Brad Pitt, Sean Bean, and Orlando Bloom.


Must-See Gems of Troy

When you visit the Archaeological Site of Troy today, you can see the walls of the ancient city, which offer a fascinating sightseeing experience in itself, as well as the Temple of Athena, baths, odeon, sanctuaries, and the theater, which is considered to be the social hub of the city. Additionally, at the entrance of the site, visitors are greeted by a replica of the epic Trojan Horse from the Iliad.

Another must-see attraction when you visit Troy is the Troy Museum. This museum, which attracts attention with its modern architecture and culture and art activities as well as its rich collection, takes visitors on a journey through time by sharing all the details of the ancient city.


If you are interested in ancient history and mythology, after visiting The Archaeological Site and Museum of Troy, you should definitely add Assos Archaeological Site, Apollon Smintheion, and Alexandria Troas Archaeological Site in Çanakkale to your discovery list.
