Çanakkale Archaeological Site of Troy

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Troy is one of the most famous ancient cities in the world. The 10 layers seen in Troy show more than 3000 years without interruption and allow us to follow the civilizations settled in this unique geography where Anatolia, Aegean, and Balkans meet. The earliest settlement level in Troy is in the Early Bronze Age, 3000-2500 B.C. Troy, which was inhabited continuously afterward, was dated to 85 B.C and 500 B.C. After the 4th Roman Period settlement of Troy, it was inhabited as a Byzantine settlement in Troy 5th from the 12th century to the 13th century. After this date, it lost its former importance as a result of the great political changes in its period. Due to its geographical location, Troy has always played a very important role in terms of the commercial and cultural connections of the civilizations that ruled here with other regions. Troy also serves as a reference for other archaeological sites in Europe and the Aegean with its uninterrupted stratification.

As a port city, Troy developed rapidly due to the role it played in maritime trade throughout history and became a strategic settlement controlling the passage from the Aegean Sea to the Black Sea. The city, which lost its importance in the historical process and even was forgotten, has become the focus of attention of European intellectuals, especially since the 17th century, as it was the scene of the Trojan War, which Homer told in the Iliad Epic. It was first excavated in 1871 by Heinrich Schliemann and later by W. Dörpfeld and C.W Blegen. Later, in this magnificent archaeological city, an international team under the leadership of Manfred O. Korfmann started excavations again in Troia after a 50-year hiatus in 1988. And then, until 2005, the excavations were continued by Manfred O. Korfmann. The Troia Archaeological Site, which is currently being excavated by Professor Doctor Rüstem Aslan from Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University with the support of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, is located within the borders of Tevfikiye village in Çanakkale province.

Due to its mythological, historical and archaeological importance, Troy has declared a Historical National Park together with its surroundings in 1996, and in 1998 the site was included in the World Cultural Heritage List. 2018 has been declared as the “Year of Troy” by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, as it is the 20th anniversary of its inclusion in the UNESCO World Cultural Heritage List.

Troy Ruins are 30 km from the city center of Çanakkale. It is located in the south, about 4.5 km. from the coast. The ancient city was declared a National Park in 1996 and was included in the UNESCO World Cultural Heritage list in 1998.

Troia is a city inhabited from 3000 BC to 500 AD. During the excavations, 10 different city layers and more than 50 building phases were identified here. These cities in brief:

Troy I-III Coastal Troy Culture (3000-2100 B.C)

Troy IV-V The Culture of Troy with an Anatolian Character (B.C.2100-1700)

Troy VI-VII High Troy Culture (B.C.1700-1100)

The Greek Settlement of Troy VIII (B.C.700-85)

The Roman Settlement of Troy IX (B.C.85-A.C.500)

Troy X 12. Century 13. Byzantine settlement, which lasted until the XVIII century.

The importance of Troy is that it was the scene of the Trojan War, which Homer told in the Iliad epic. The Iliad covers a small part of the Trojan War legend. Among the ruins at the site; There are the city walls, the temple, the megaron-style structure consisting of an entrance section and the main room at the back, pipes belonging to the sewer system, and public structures such as the Odeon.

The homeland of the famous poet Homer's Iliad and Odyssey epics from Izmir, the city of Troas and Troia, which has thousands of years of history, is near the Tevfikiye Village of Çanakkale Province. This place is known as Hisarlik today.


Foreigners/ Other Nationals

Ticket: € 27 (Ticket Price is Valid for Museum Of Troy Entry Too)

MuseumPass Türkiye: € 165 (Valid For 15 Days)

Museum Visiting Hours:
Archaeological Sites are Open Every Day of the Week*:

Summer Season (April 1 to September 15) 08:30-20:00** Box Office Closing is 19:30

Winter Season (September through April) 08:30-17:30 *** Box Office Closing is 17:00.”

* Our Museums and Archaeological Sites are closed until 13.00 on the first day of Religious Holidays.
** In case of high demand for visiting the Ancient Site for the summer season, the sunset times are calculated and the closing time is updated periodically as 21.30 by the Governor's Decision and announced separately.
*** Box Office Closing stops issuing tickets half an hour before the closing of the Museum and Ruins by calculating the minimum travel time.   (Museum card or museum card application can be used in order to avoid any problems. It is strongly requested to comply with the Exit Time strictly.)

Car Parking
Audio Guide
Guidance Service

Yaz (01.04.2024 - 15.09.2024)
08:30-20:00 Cumartesi 08:30-20:00 Pazar 08:30-20:00
Gişe Kapanış 19:30
Kış (15.09.2024 - 01.04.2025)
08:30-17:30 Cumartesi 08:30-17:30 Pazar 08:30-17:30
Gişe Kapanış 17:00

65 and Above - Turkish Citizens Ücretsiz
Children ages 0-8 - Non-Turkish Citizens Ücretsiz
Children ages 0-18 - Citizens of Turkey Ücretsiz
Students (Studying art history, archaeology and museum departments in university) Ücretsiz
All Adults (International and Turkish) 600.00TL
Bilet Al

Çanakkale Archaeological Site of Troy Tevfikiye Köyü / Çanakkale
+90 (286) 217-6740
Hızlı Arama Yol Tarifi

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